Keeping our community real.

Major Announcement

We excitedly spent this summer laying a foundation for our community. And while many quickly got involved… a lot have chosen to stay on the sidelines instead of getting involved, reading the books, or coming to in person meet ups. 

We get it. Change is hard. Our culture keeps us isolated in their homes while we watch people online who get things done. It's inside your comfort zone, never messy, but it's a lonely existence that lacks happiness. 

In order for us to stay accountable to what we're creating in Florida Freedom Family...we're going to make some cuts. If you haven't been active in the above, we will be removing you from the email list and private telegram group at the end of the week. 

You're welcome to come back when you can get involved. 🙂

For now, we're going to focus on building an extra strong foundation full of love, community, prepping, and making politicians cry. 

If this sounds like the real community for you…join us!


The Florida Freedom Family


How do we get passive Americans moving against tyranny in the US?


An additional book for the Build Your Community Challenge books!