An additional book for the Build Your Community Challenge books!

You’ve read all three books in the Build Your Community Challenge and now you want to build your community. But what would this community look like in the US and how different is it from our westernized American culture?

“Hunt, Gather, Parent” set the bar nice and high for amazing communities and parenting in other cultures. The “Find Your People” book showed the complexity and crazy of trying to build a community in the United States. They were great examples and, frankly, anyone who has lived overseas in community is ready to go and build their community now.

But what about those of us who still don’t know what exactly our community will look like? “Find Your People” talks about knowing what’s going on in other friends’ lives and dropping in on your messy house for a fun evening…which is 100% part of living in community….but for some people…they’re still needing more examples.

This book about Amish parenting does a fantastic job marrying the cultures together.

  • You get to see and feel what it’s like being inside a community that has lived in community for 500 years.

  • They live in the United States and can see the differences between how they parent and the Western Americans parent.

  • The author is fantastic at describing the juxtaposition of loneliness in our world and community in their world.

So if you’re looking for one more book to read…I would highly recommend this Amish one. It’ll give you some final pointers that make it clear how awesome a community we can have…if we’re just intentional about getting there.


The Florida Freedom Family


Keeping our community real.


Reasons why people aren’t joining the Build Your Community Challenge…