Who we are & why we’re doing this.
Portrait courtesy of Jerry Ghionis
Hi! I’m Isabel
And I believe that all of us deserve all our freedoms all the time, no matter what.
My mom & grandparents and my husband’s family escaped socialism, and frankly we see all the signs that Florida and the US is heading straight towards communism.
I ran a portrait design business for years focused on helping people see how amazing each of them really can be and how fun they are as a family team. But now that ALL of us are losing our freedoms at a crazy rate, I feel like now is the time to put all that energy into fighting back.
You see, I truly believe that we can win this fight and it’ll barely even be a contest.
Want to know why?
Because I’ve lived in community and experienced what it’s like to have a small army of people surrounding you who believe in you. I’ve also experienced the other side where no one came, no cared, no one wanted to show up when times were horrible. US culture seems to have forgotten just how amazing we can be when we live and work together in tribes & villages and it’s time to bring that back.
Hi Freedom Lover!
Hi Freedom Lover!
Once upon a time, there was a group of liberty lovers who fought side by side in a long war to create a land that would become a beacon of hope to everyone who valued freedom in the whole wide world.
But that land had freedom stripped from it with institutions that replaced relationships and families so apathy, short sightedness, emotional immaturity, and loneliness - in this once land of the free - reigned.
Over the years, many new parties formed that never could quite make liberty win as infighting, theory, and apathy worked against any real action.
But what if there was a better way?
What if a group of liberty loving, emotionally intelligent, mentally strong, and goal-setting people got together?
What if these people knew themselves well?
What if they lived in community and really knew each other well?
What if they spent a minimum of 200 hours together before calling each other friends?
What if they parented in community like in “Hunt, Gather, Parent” (by Michaeleen Doucleff) and raised freedom loving children (who know who they are..who aren’t confused and lost until their 30’s or 40’s when they finally find themselves?)? What if these children actually enjoy helping their family & community, see emotional intelligence & lack of yelling as part of being an adult? What if they grow to be resilient human beings as they walk through a rite of passage into adulthood?
What if we had tribes of six close friends who live within five miles of each other?
What if single people could find their spouse within their freedom village and never had to swipe right on a dating app again?
Could you imagine people who know themselves well, know others deeply, and see conflict as a way to deeper connection instead of infighting and heatedly ending friendships?
Then once deep friendships are formed — we prep together in case everything hits the fan….
……and play combative politics as a well organized team that makes real freedom win in Florida by 2030….so our preps can be awesome hurricane supplies instead?
If this idea sounds like what you want out of life….we would love for you to join us!
You can learn more about us by checking out this website & even meet some of us in person at our next event!
Bringing in Freedom & Ending Loneliness,
Florida Freedom Family
P.S. Does this seem like lofty goals? We have methods for emotional intelligence, knowing each other, conflict resolution, and combative politics (that work) already in place…put together by someone from a culture that’s had to live this.
We’re happy to help you catch up on anything and we all recognize that there’s always room for improvement.
Let’s grab a tall glass of lemonade together and chat about why Florida Freedom Family exists!
Let’s Win.
We’re now forming our team and heading up to Tallahassee and planning visits to county commissioners meetings, city council, and school board meetings. Most of us who are ready to help launch this have been involved in combative politics before, and/or lived in community overseas, or fled socialism. If you’re ready to join us, check out the events page, send us an email, or subscribe to our email community.
We can’t wait to change the world with you.
The Florida Freedom Family