We want everyone to be free in Florida!

Freedom. It’s a word that’s been thrown about quite a bit down here in Florida.

But are we free in Florida?

We were told in 2021 that we can’t be forcibly vaccinated now in Florida, but there’s FL Statute 381.003 (1) (e) that a judge’s bench guide has ruled that we can be forcibly vaccinated just from that section of the statute.
DeSantis got on TV in 2021 to say that he was taking forced vaccination out of 381.00315…completely ignoring 381.003 (1) (e).

If you spend just a little bit of time checking out different issues here in Florida, you find a lot of these weird problems where something great has been promised…but it doesn’t actually work out in the law like how we’d want them to.

2022 brought about an election with a lot of people hoping that swinging far right would give the Republicans the super majority that would get all the freedom laws passed. Unfortunately, they passed a lot of bad laws wrapped in a bow to look good and we swung very far right during session in 2023.

Frankly, Florida has turned into nothing but a nationwide spotlight for the left vs right culture wars as the majority of the country now polls that they can’t stand the left or the right anymore.

Florida Freedom Family was born to tackle the real issues without giving in to the the culture wars.

We want you to be free. Period.

We lean Libertarian. Some of us don’t want any government at all. Some of us want an incredibly tiny government that really has no ability to ruin our lives like our current government does every single day.

We want families to be free. Whatever can help a family have more freedom, liberty, prosperity in their pursuit of happiness…we’re here for that!

We’re also working on creating de-centralized communities within five mile radius’ of your home. We’ve lost our ability to live in community and suicide rates have skyrocketed…we all know we shouldn’t be living alone and something needs to change.

Join us and be the change we need to see in the world.

You are loved here. We hope to see you soon!


Isabel and the Florida Freedom Family


Why the build your community challenge?