Kissing Frogs

As we work on building our communities of five close friends within five miles of our homes, we want to encourage all of you to embrace “kissing frogs”.

What does that mean, exactly?

We’ve lost our way. We’ve forgotten what it means to live in community, but now we’re wanting to try it with a bunch of people who also haven’t done this before.

There are bound to be problems.

Lots of people have also expressed interest in this challenge who we’re seeing signs aren’t actually going to follow through with what they signed up for.

Either they bought the books and haven’t read any, or they want to go to events but aren’t showing up for check ins, or someone in the group has already had the experience with someone else that a promise was made…and never followed through with.

Maybe they’ll come back and be awesome and figure out what it means to be a good friend. OR maybe they’ll move on to a freedom sorority and won’t bother to do all the work.

We’re asking people to change, and that’s a lot to ask when the cultural norm became “entertain yourself to death”. People became very comfortable…so finding people who want to become very uncomfortable and DO something completely different is a lot to ask of them.

Give yourself and them some grace as this happens. Tell yourself “Well at least I learned this now and didn’t have to learn this later when x, y, or z bad thing is going down!”. And then move on! The next person you meet could be 1,000 times better!

We’re so proud of you for making it this far and deciding to change so you can get something better out of life. It’s going to be worth it, we promise!

Love & Hugs,

The Florida Freedom Family


Ways to start meeting people so you can build a community!


First In Person Check In!