It’s time to change the world.

You know we aren’t here in Florida, and you also see that with all these freedom groups…we still aren’t getting more freedom here. It’s being stripped away from us more and more with each legislative session.

You see certain groups trying to get bills passed, but there never seems to be enough momentum to get it done.

You know that people are lonely and isolated and want community but they can’t find that.

It’s time to change all of that and bring back community and a real freedom movement that we haven’t seen in this country since the civil rights movement.

Join our email community. The first email starting this movement up…comes out on July 10th.

It’s time to move. It’s time to have a community we have built. It’s time to take back our rights and be the first ones free.

We can’t wait to see you around the fire pit.


The Florida Freedom Family.


How is a libertarian different from a liberal or a conservative?


Authenticity & Building Your Community